Famous Recalls of Some of the Most Dangerous Products of All Time

When we purchase a new product, we expect it to be safe. At the Becker Law Office, we know that is not always the case. Before the Consumer Product Safety Commission began to crack down on dangerous products and reckless manufacturers, there were some scary and outright dangerous products out there. Let’s look at some of the most common and historically dangerous product recalls of all time.


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Medical Malpractice In Films We Love. Did They Get It Right?

When we think of entertaining movies, we often do not think about movies involving medical malpractice – or even the law, for that matter. However, there are some movies that recount real stories about medical malpractice that are still meant to entertain us while telling us a true story. Are these stories also movie magic stretching the truth, or did they get it right?


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The Future of Self Driving Cars and Wrecks. Who is at Fault?

Motor vehicles are one of the most constantly evolving inventions. Although many of these technological advancements have been positive and focused on safety, our experienced personal injury lawyers at the Becker Law Office in Kentucky know that is not always the case. This is particularly true with self-driving vehicles, which have made headlines in the last few years as the “future” of driving.


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Traumatic Brain Injury – The Invisible Injury

One of the most catastrophic and life-changing types of personal injury is a traumatic brain injury, also known as a TBI. Here at the Becker Law Office, our experienced personal injury lawyers know first-hand how devastating a TBI can be for victims and their families. Despite the severity of TBIs, they are often known as “the invisible injury” for a few reasons.


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